The olive tree is an extraordinary tree, which has played an important role in the history of the civilization in the Mediterranean area and in the Western world. One of the many Greek legends tells of Athena, who thrust her magic spear into the ground and it turned into the first olive tree. Another myth states that Hercules brought down the first olive tree from the borders of the world. This is how the sacred tree of God Zeus was born and from its twigs were made the wreaths with which the glorious athletes of the Olympic Games were crowned.

However, as far back as 4000 BC the first olive tree was found on the island of Crete. The Olive tree is used to symbolize Utility, Beauty, Peace, all together in one plant. A wood that tells its story, its experiences over the millennia ..
Symbol of peace in the Genesi 8,11. It is considered a sacred and holy tree. It has its own and particular charm and it is full of natural shades and nuances of colours that no human being is able to recreate . one of its characteristics is that it is Very hard and tiring to work ..

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    All the pieces of wood are seasoned 2 to 6/7 years. I am not using any kind of chemical treatments.

    With love and respect to nature.
    No tree has been cut down or destroyed for getting those wood pieces.